Module 12 – The Divine Feminine & Your Hierarchy


In this module, we explore more deeply the Divine Feminine and the Twelve Hierarchies. Using meditations, you strengthen your connection to the Divine Feminine and discover your hierarchy of origin.


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Module Contents:

Class 1: Meditation on connecting to the Divine Feminine and clearing resistance or blockages that may be in the way. Here, we ensure the Divine Feminine is flowing through all offices, ascending the vibrational frequency of the hierarchy’s offices through using the rose light and the Divine Feminine. We call forth the torch of the sacred feminine.

Class 2: Meditation: with the torch positioned in your Council of Twelve, we call upon the Divine Feminine to ascend your Council of Twelve

Class 3: Avalon/Bethlehem hierarchy, and discussion

Class 4: Meditation on the fifth dimensional realms held by the hierarchies for the benefit of humanity

Class 5: Meditation on discovering your hierarchy of origin.