Open To Channel Apprenticeship Level 1

with Amanda Guggenheimer

Open To Channel Apprenticeship is an online video apprenticeship-style course. It is based on Amanda’s training and experience working as a channel vocationally over the last 25 years. It is appropriate for people who want to work as channels as well as those who want to communicate with their own higher councils. It is also a type of ascension training as the two paths become one.


The course is delivered in video format and consists of a series of modules. Within each module you will find classes and meditation exercises. Designed to take you deeply into the dynamics of the channeling system, different dimensions and how to navigate them, the format of meditations and practical steps allows the course to not only be rich in theory, but also become an experiential journey.

You have purchased the following modules:

Module 1 – Your Channelling System


In Module 1, Amanda will walk you through your hierarchy, assisting you to understand how your channelling system interacts with your physical body as part of a much larger system. Here, we will also explore the dimensions or planes of consciousness, beginning with the Astral Plane. Particular attention will be given to the Astral Plane and how to retrieve aspects of yourself tethered there. This assists greatly in preparing your energy field and emotional body for channelling.

Module Contents

Class 1: Introduction to your hierarchy and Planes of Consciousness

Class 2: The Astral Plane in greater detail

Class 3: Offices within the Astral and Mental Planes within your Hierarchy

Class 4: Meditation to retrieve aspects from the Astral Plane

Class 5: Meditation for the Astral Plane part 2

Downloads: Illustrations & meditation audio file

Once you have purchased the course module you can access the Module Page by clicking the ‘Visit Module Page’ button above.

Module 2 – Your Channelling System Part Two


In Module 2, Amanda takes you into the Mental Plane and Galactic Offices of your hierarchy. Exploring the seven levels of consciousness in the Mental Plane, you are able to gain insight into your spiritual assignments and understand the areas that you are working on in your quest to evolve your consciousness while on Earth. Particular attention will be given to establishing familiarity with and opening your channels to, your Higher Self, Incarnation Council and Higher Council of Higher Self.

Module Contents

Class 1: Exploration of the Mental Plane: first four levels.

Class 2: Meditation: Connecting to Higher Self, Incarnation Council and Higher Council of Higher Self

Class 3: Higher Council of Higher Self Meditation expanded

Class 4: The Mental Plane: levels five

Class 5: Discussion

Class 6: Introduction to level six of the Mental Plane

Downloads: Meditation audio file

Once you have purchased the course module you can access the Module Page by clicking the ‘Visit Module Page’ button above.

Module 3 – Securing Your Divine Alignment


In this Module, we are progressing through level six of the Mental Plane. In order to do this, we will be aligning our will to Divine Will because progression through this level is not possible without Divine Alignment. Disruptive parts of ourselves will be harmonised through meditation and alignment exercises. Here, we will also be making our Declaration of Ascension – setting our intention to ascend in this lifetime.

Module Contents

Class 1The purpose of aligning your will and how it relates to accessing the highest levels of your channelling system

Class 2: Alignment of Will exercise

Class 3: Exploring how the ego manipulates for power in the third dimension

Class 4: Meditation for moving aspects beyond their comfort zone in the Mental Plane

Class 5: Alignment of Will, Opening to the Divine Current and Declaration of Ascension

Downloads: Meditation audio file

Once you have purchased the course module you can access the Module Page by clicking the ‘Visit Module Page’ button above.

Module 4 – Strengthening the Channelling System


In Module Four, we move into the next phase of strengthening the channelling system. We give particular attention to building life force/increasing the flow of the Divine Current through your body and raising your vibrational frequency so that you are able to attune your body and incarnated self to your higher councils. We also introduce the topic of spiritual protection as part of preparing yourself for channelling as well as identify factors that drain life force.

Module Contents

Class 1: Increasing Divine Current/life force, stabilising the energetic system of the body

Class 2: Increasing Divine Current/life force through Nature

Class 3: Addressing areas that might drain your life force – hooks, siphons, negative corridors, thought pollution

Class 4: Detailed look at thought pollution, negative projections and psychic attack

Class 5: The mechanics of psychic attack and tools for clearing this. Methods for strengthening the shield skin and energy field

Once you have purchased the course module you can access the Module Page by clicking the ‘Visit Module Page’ button above.

Module 5 – Strengthening the Channelling System Part Two


In this Module, we continue to progress through level six of the Mental Plane. We continue to explore the debris that can build up in the energy field, and learn methods to clear our energetic system. During the module, we also enter our Council of Twelve. We establish the connection so that we can work more directly with the council in the following module.

Module Contents

Class 1: Discussions on lower spirits, negative indwellers and negative entities

Class 2: Keeping your household clear. Level six of the Mental Plane

Class 3: Council of Twelve meditation – establishing the connection

Class 4: Other problematic aspects that congregate around level six of the Mental Plane

Class 5: Meditation for Ascending specific aspect and ensuring the space is clear all the way to the gateway of the Council of Twelve

Once you have purchased the course module you can access the Module Page by clicking the ‘Visit Module Page’ button above.

Module 6 – The Council Of Twelve


In Module 6, you progress into a direct connection with your own Council of Twelve and begin receiving direct communication from this higher level.

Module Contents

Class 1: Familiarising yourself with the aspects that make up the Council

Class 2: Meditation on bringing forth the first aspect of the Council – the Angelic Representative

Class 3: Meditation on bringing forth the Elemental Representative, or aspect that represents Nature

Class 4: The Council of Twelve in relation to the Spiritual Hierarchy for Earth. Discussion on the pledge (conscious declaration of intention) made by the Council to the work of the Spiritual Hierarchy

Class 5: Meditation: Checking alignments and purity of level six of the Mental Plane so that the pledge can be made. Meditation on interacting with and interviewing your Council of Twelve aspects. Determining the alignment of every member

Class  6: Beneficial for those who have not been able to determine the alignment of all members of the Council of Twelve. This additional section is only relevant if you have not been able to secure the alignment of all twelve aspects within your Council of Twelve. It can be a little complex and would only serve as a diversion for those who don’t need it. For those who do, this section explores how to clear levels to bring the aspects into alignment.

Class  7: Continuing our discussion from class 6, we take a deeper look into our example of non-aligned aspects inside the Council of Twelve.

Once you have purchased the course module you can access the Module Page by clicking the ‘Visit Module Page’ button above.

Module 7 – Your Divine Master


Establishing Connection with your Divine Master. Ascending into Level 7 of the Mental Plane.

Module Contents

Class 1: Meditation to establish your conscious connection between you and your Divine Master

Class 2: Level seven of the Mental Plane

Class 3: Meditation: You and your Divine Master share energy field

Class 4: Continuing through level seven of the Mental Plane

Class 5: The Threshold between the Mental Plane and the Buddhic Plane

Class 6: Meditation: Strengthening your relationship with your Divine Master

Once you have purchased the course module you can access the Module Page by clicking the ‘Visit Module Page’ button above.

Module 8 – The Realm of the Mystic


In this module we explore the Buddhic Plane and the Realm of the Mystic. We work directly with your Divine Master Teacher, strengthening the connection and lines of communication so that your master teacher can be the bridge between where you are in the Mental Plane, and the Realm of the Mystic. We explore the levels of the Buddhic Plane and the experiences you might expect as you embrace the Path of the Holy Woman, Holy Man on the way to being reunited with the Mystic within yourself.

Module Contents

Class 1: Meditation on visiting your Divine Master Teacher’s sanctuary and meeting the Buddhic Plane aspect of yourself already present

Class 2: The Buddhic Plane, level 1

Class 3: The Buddhic Plane, levels 2, 3, and 4

Class 4: Meditation: Ascending Aspects from Level 6 and Level 7 of the Mental Plane

Class 5: The Buddhic Plane, levels 5, 6, 7 and the Nirvanic Plane

Class 6: Discussion

Class 7: Meditation: Entering the Master’s home and receiving teachings

Class 8: Meditation: Ascending through the Buddhic Plane

Once you have purchased the course module you can access the Module Page by clicking the ‘Visit Module Page’ button above.

Module 9 – Understanding Incarnation


In this module we explore your incarnation, why you chose to return to the Earth this lifetime and any personal assignments, group or voluntary assignments you may have chosen.

Module Contents

Class 1: Introduction to understanding incarnation

Class 2: Meditation – Past life meditation, returning to your past life to heal any part of you from that time and understanding why you chose to return to your next life.

Class 3: Discussion on group incarnation assignments

Class 4: Meditation – Past life meditation continued – resolving aspects caught in good/bad, right/wrong judgement

Class 5: Extended look at the different assignments: how hierarchy ‘karma’ may impact on you.

Once you have purchased the course module you can access the Module Page by clicking the ‘Visit Module Page’ button above.

Module 10 – The Spiritual Hierarchy For Earth


In this module, we explore offices within the Buddhic plane and how these offices interact within the Spiritual Hierarchy for Earth. We explore the structure of the Spiritual Hierarchy for Earth and begin to introduce the twelve hierarchies.

Module Contents

Class 1: The Spiritual Hierarchy for Earth and Office of the Directorship of the Rays

Class 2: Meditation on the aspect of your hierarchy that sits in the Directorship of the Rays. You draw the Ray Being into yourself and use the rays to strengthen your channelling system

Class 3: Introduction to the twelve hierarchies: how and why the Spiritual Hierarchy for Earth formed – the Central Sun as the Guardian of the Spiritual Hierarchy for Earth

Class 4: The structure of the Spiritual Hierarchy for Earth – The High Council of Healers

Class 5: The supporting structures: Elven, Sirian, Elemental, Angelic, Oceanic, Arcturian and Human hierarchies

Class 6: Continuing on with our discussion on the seven supporting structures

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Module 11 – The Twelve Hierarchies


In Module 11, we journey deeper into the creation of the hierarchies, the Aeons that came before them and why we are here.

Module Contents

Class 1: Meditation on receiving assistance from the Central Sun and the Elders of Light

Class 2: Divine Sophia, Mu Hierarchy and why we are here

Class 3: Divine Sophia’s gift, Eve and the Serpent

Class 4: What lies beyond the Hierarchies

Class 5: The Divine Feminine moves through every Aeon. Supporting councils and hierarchies that oversee them: The Council of the Magdalene, The Sacred Nuns of the Essene Order

Class 6: Meditation on the Divine Feminine

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Module 12 – The Divine Feminine & Your Hierarchy


In this module, we explore more deeply the Divine Feminine and the Twelve Hierarchies. Using meditations, you strengthen your connection to the Divine Feminine and discover your hierarchy of origin.

Module Contents

Class 1: Meditation on connecting to the Divine Feminine and clearing resistance or blockages that may be in the way. Here, we ensure the Divine Feminine is flowing through all offices, ascending the vibrational frequency of the hierarchy’s offices through using the rose light and the Divine Feminine. We call forth the torch of the sacred feminine.

Class 2: Meditation: with the torch positioned in your Council of Twelve, we call upon the Divine Feminine to ascend your Council of Twelve

Class 3: Avalon/Bethlehem hierarchy, and discussion

Class 4: Meditation on the fifth dimensional realms held by the hierarchies for the benefit of humanity

Class 5: Meditation on discovering your hierarchy of origin.

Once you have purchased the course module you can access the Module Page by clicking the ‘Visit Module Page’ button above.